Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Self Publishing Poem


I like your priceless smile
But I love how it makes my heart skip a beat more
I like your gold tinted eyes
But I love the way you stare into my soul more
I like your luscious lips
But I love the words that come out of it more
I like your architect designed nose
I love every breath you take that reminds me you are everywhere
I like your slightly pointed chin highlighting your sturdy jaw line
I love how it keeps my eyes glued to your angular lines
I am the class clown that makes your day
I am the stranger you've felt like you've met before
I am the loser that puts you on a throne making you a winner
I am the mirror reflecting your deepest insecurities
I am the one you call a friend
And you are just a cracked screen displaying the deepest crevasses in our relationship

                                                            Would You Like A Cookie?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sweet Like A Crow (My Version)

Your voice sounds like a roller coaster sliding along the tracks going straight down a hill
Like a puppy introduced to a new home
Like water rushing through pipes
Like my nightmares haunting me
Like my mother telling me to go home and have dinner
Like my dog dying
A hedgehog being attacked
A vulture attacking its prey
A rain drop dancing in the storm
Like the crunch when eating cereal
Like blood flowing through my veins
Like men fighting for a single woman
A crowd cheering for the Broadway show
A hungry begger on the streets
A young man full of dreams walking to Wall street
Like arriving to a new country
Like a writer typing with a typewriter
Like beef cooked to medium rare
Like punching someone in the face
Like a compliment from the one you love
Like a mother protecting her child
A parade filled with angry teenagers
A corner housing the unwanted
A house with an unhappy family
Like pushing my ex into the river
Like realizing everything was just a dream
Like the sound I hear everytime you walk around the corner strucking my beating heart.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Red Wheelbarrow (My Version)

so much depends
a shiny gold
scratched by sharp
ending a fragile

Friday, November 21, 2014


Dear Miss Strangeworth

True evil lurks deep inside the heart of a human being
To let the evil lurk our or keep it deep within yourself
Smiles in the morning, tears at night
There is always a dark side of the moon
Where the truth is to be hidden away from the light
Cheap paper, ugly words
New identity is created by the evilness inside
We try to change others
But we don't think about ourselves
Is it truly justice that we prevent evilness deep inside
Or is it a way of being superior among others?
True evil hides behind a mask
Three dimensional worlds are created to hide the truth
Therefore why should we lay hands on the life of others?

Thursday, October 30, 2014

The Sound of The Hollyhocks

            Vincent van Gogh - Vase with Hollyhocks

The Sound of The Hollyhocks

Trapped inside a cage, he remains as a quiet kitten
Following the path of which his parents have traced
Although he frowns deep inside he smiles on his skin
His love was a shattered piece of glass, not recognized by anyone
The cage slowly breaks down
The demon inside lurks out as the sun goes down
The flowers are his best friends as if they did exist
Fleeing to the island that he had always dreamed of
The predator chases and he can no longer run away
Either go back into the cage or flee to sanctuary
One can only take so much before breaking down
Therefore he chose to go to sanctuary
Where he met his wife once again
He never came back

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Gentlemen, your verdict poem

Gentlemen, your verdict

Under the deep dark sea lies a submarine

Trapped with the lives of twenty

Hope lies in the hands of the captain

Decisions were made and families are saved

"God save our country and our King"

As they drank with pride and fell asleep

Six days later survivors were saved

Memories were kept and cannot be erased

Guilty or not it is your decision to make